Who i Am - Ing. Diego Scala

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Ing. Diego Scala
consultant and structural designer
and development of innovative solutions

Born in 1984, I grew up in the family sawmill in Caprino Veronese.
The carpentry was created by my parents in 1974 producing and laying wooden boards and beams, directly procuring the necessary timber from the woods of Monte Baldo.

I worked in the family business with my dad Ugo, my mom Lina and my brother Ennio.

The activity initially consisted in the supply and installation of wooden roofs. Later, with the opening of a second office in Rivoli Veronese, the business expanded and moved on to the construction of more complex structures such as elevations and houses, also thanks to the purchase of a numerical control machine for cutting. of the wooden elements, on which I have experienced.

In the office I designed the structures and developed the files. BTL necessary for the machine itself, thus refining the solutions for a better installation of the elements, while on site I helped to assemble the structures directly.
I graduated in 2012 in Trento in Building Engineering / Architecture specializing in wooden structures.

I have obtained the following certificates:

- CasaClima basic course in Bolzano
- fall arrest systems design course in Egna BZ
- course for construction site technicians in wooden constructions

Since 2013 I have opened my own design and project consultancy studio.
IT | EN | ES
2023 Ing. Diego Scala - E.O.R.I. IT04409980234
mail: diegoscala@hotmail.it - tel: +39 349 4308920
website developement: Diego Scala e Paola Orsola
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